Friday, February 5, 2010

The Snow Panic of 2010!

Well, it's about to happen again this weekend and then again on Tuesday according the the weather people all over the TV. They're calling for up to 18 inches of snow by Saturday, February 6 in Philadelphia and maybe more in New Jersey and Delaware.

Of course it's not that big a deal! We've had snow before but, the news people are acting like this is some kind of natural disaster (and it hasn't even happened yet.) Why must they overreact so much when the forcast calls for snow? The poeple watching are now encouraged to rush out to the stores and get food, shovels, or anything else they can fit in their Prius' (which don't have 4 wheel drive.) Calm down everyone! I guarantee you that after the snow has stopped falling and even while the snow is falling, the stores will be open. By Saturday night, you'll be able to drive to the store and pick up food if you need it, otherwise wait until next week and avoid the crowds. Does anyone else remember walking in a blizzard to the supermarket when you were a kid? I do, and we had a blast! The stores were open and the streets were clear of cars. we picked up what we needed most and headed home. We could take our time and play because the food wouldn't spoil since it was so cold.

I'm actually looking forward to this snow storm and am planning to light a fire, make hot chocolate and watch movies with my baby, and maybe the cat will join us (Sox loves to watch the moving pictures on the big box!) She likes snuggling up and stealing our warmth even more! So, Happy Snow Day everyone, try to have some fun, it only snows a few times a year in our area so enjoy it!

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