Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movie Review – Mr. Bean’s Holiday

If you’re looking for a funny movie you can watch with the whole family, take a chance at renting Mr. Bean’s Holiday now on DVD. Let tell you, we watched this with my Grandparent’s not too long ago and my Grandmother was practically on the floor laughing the whole time (we almost went out and bought her Depends).

The scenes on the train in the beginning of the movie are hilarious and it’s just as funny for the rest of the movie.

One of the scenes funny in the beginning of the movie included Mr. Bean dining in a French restaurant (above). He inadvertently orders a Seafood special which includes raw Oysters and Prawns. Oh honey, it’s both knee slapping funny and disguisting at the same time – my kind of fun! And it also delivers in terms of physical humor. I’m surprised this man isn’t in the hospital!

Seriously, do yourself a favor and get this movie to watch over the holiday weekend. You won’t be disappointed!

1 comment:

Frank said...

Wee, wee! This was a pretty funny movie! I know it probably got like 1 star but the movie reviewers typically give movies like this very bad reviews. Of course they're too busy praising movies like "Kite Runner" at the Cannes Film Festival to even bother to enjoying a movie like this. 4 giant prawns for this one!